Navigating a "WebApi" Model

Using webapi-parser it is possible to navigate parsed document and extract data like response codes, titles, descriptions, data types, etc., from it.

Below is a simplified example of navigating RAML 1.0 API.

Please refer to complete examples for more advanced use cases and WebApi Model API for WebApi Model navigation and data extraction methods.

Quick start

To get started let's import all necessary modules and parse a RAML 1.0 API document:

// js
const path = require('path')
const wap = require('webapi-parser').WebApiParser

async function main () {
  const inPath = path.join(
    __dirname, '../api-specs/raml/navigation-example-api.raml')
  const model = await wap.raml10.parse(`file://${inPath}`)


// java
package co.acme.model;

import webapi.Raml10;
import webapi.WebApiDocument;
import amf.client.model.domain.*;

import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;

public class Raml10Navigation {
  public static void navigateApi() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
    String inp = "file://../api-specs/raml/navigation-example-api.raml";
    WebApiDocument model = (WebApiDocument) Raml10.parse(inp).get();


Now we can access encoded API root properties, endpoints, methods, responses, etc.:

// js
async function main () {
  const api = model.encodes
  console.log('First protocol:', api.schemes[0].value())

  // Endpoint /users
  const users = api.endPoints[0]
  console.log('Path:', users.path.value())

  // POST /users
  const postUsers = users.operations[0]
    'Request media type:',

  // Endpoint /users/{id}
  const user = api.endPoints[1]

  // GET /users/{id}
  const getUser = user.operations[0]
  console.log('Status code:', getUser.responses[0].statusCode.value())
// java
public class Raml10Navigation {
  public static void navigateApi() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
    WebApi api = (WebApi) model.encodes();
    System.out.println("Title: " +;
    System.out.println("First protocol: " + api.schemes().get(0).value());

    // Endpoint /users
    EndPoint users = (EndPoint) api.endPoints().get(0);
    System.out.println("Path: " + users.path().value());

    // POST /users
    Operation postUsers = (Operation) users.operations().get(0);
    Payload postUsersReq = (Payload) ((Request) postUsers.request()).payloads().get(0);
    System.out.println("Request media type: " + postUsersReq.mediaType().value());

    // Endpoint /users/{id}
    EndPoint user = (EndPoint) api.endPoints().get(1);

    // GET /users/{id}
    Operation getUser = (Operation) user.operations().get(0);
    System.out.println("Status code: " + getUser.responses().get(0).statusCode().value());

It's also possible to access data defined in document root like Data Types, annotations, security schemes, etc. and their properties:

// js
async function main () {
  // Annotation 'experimental'
  const annotation = model.declares[0]
  console.log('Annotation type:', annotation.schema.dataType.value())

  // Type 'User'
  const userType = model.declares[1]
  const age =[2]
    'Age from', age.range.minimum.value(),
    'to', age.range.maximum.value())

  // SecurityScheme oauth_1_0
  const oauth1 = model.declares[4]
// java
public class Raml10Navigation {
  public static void navigateApi() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
    // Annotation 'experimental'
    CustomDomainProperty annotation = (CustomDomainProperty) model.declares().get(0);
    System.out.println("Annotation type: " + ((ScalarShape) annotation.schema()).dataType().value());

    // Type 'User'
    NodeShape userType = (NodeShape) model.declares().get(1);
    ScalarShape age = (ScalarShape);
    System.out.println("Age from " + age.minimum().value() + " to " + age.maximum().value());

    // SecurityScheme oauth_1_0
    SecurityScheme oauth1 = (SecurityScheme) model.declares().get(4);
    System.out.println("requestTokenUri: " + settings.requestTokenUri().value());

Note that it's also possible to use WebApi Model utility methods to get data from it. Please refer to complete examples for more details.

Complete examples

results matching ""

    No results matching ""