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External module "src/raml1/artifacts/raml10parser"





  • Load API asynchronously. The Promise is rejected with ApiLoadingError if the resulting Api contains errors and the 'rejectOnErrors' option is set to 'true'.


    • apiPath: string

      Path to API: local file system path or Web URL

    • Optional options: Options

      Load options

    Returns Promise<Api>


  • Load API asynchronously. The Promise is rejected with ApiLoadingError if the resulting Api contains errors and the 'rejectOnErrors' option is set to 'true'.


    • apiPath: string

      Path to API: local file system path or Web URL

    • extensionsAndOverlays: string[]

      Paths to extensions and overlays to be applied listed in the order of application. Relevant for RAML 1.0 only.

    • Optional options: Options

      Load options

    Returns Promise<Api>



  • loadApiSync(apiPath: string, options?: Options): Api
  • loadApiSync(apiPath: string, extensionsAndOverlays: string[], options?: Options): Api
  • Load API synchronously. If the 'rejectOnErrors' option is set to true, ApiLoadingError is thrown for Api which contains errors.


    • apiPath: string

      Path to API: local file system path or Web URL

    • Optional options: Options

      Load options

    Returns Api

    Api instance.

  • Load API synchronously. If the 'rejectOnErrors' option is set to true, ApiLoadingError is thrown for Api which contains errors.


    • apiPath: string

      Path to API: local file system path or Web URL

    • extensionsAndOverlays: string[]

      Paths to extensions and overlays to be applied listed in the order of application. Relevant for RAML 1.0 only.

    • Optional options: Options

      Load options

    Returns Api

    Api instance.


  • Load RAML asynchronously. May load both Api and Typed fragments. The Promise is rejected with ApiLoadingError if the resulting hl.BasicNode contains errors and the 'rejectOnErrors' option is set to 'true'.


    • ramlPath: string

      Path to RAML: local file system path or Web URL

    • extensionsAndOverlays: string[]

      Paths to extensions and overlays to be applied listed in the order of application. Relevant for RAML 1.0 only.

    • Optional options: Options

      Load options

    Returns Promise<BasicNode>



  • loadRAMLSync(ramlPath: string, extensionsAndOverlays: string[], options?: Options): BasicNode
  • Load RAML synchronously. May load both Api and Typed fragments. If the 'rejectOnErrors' option is set to true, ApiLoadingError is thrown for RAML which contains errors.


    • ramlPath: string

      Path to RAML: local file system path or Web URL

    • extensionsAndOverlays: string[]

      Paths to extensions and overlays to be applied listed in the order of application. Relevant for RAML 1.0 only.

    • Optional options: Options

      Load options

    Returns BasicNode

    hl.BasicNode instance.

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