Translating RAML DataTypes to JSON Schemas

Using webapi-parser and WebApi Model, it is possible to translate RAML 1.0 DataTypes contained inside RAML 1.0, RAML 1.0 Library and RAML 1.0 DataType documents to JSON Schemas.

You can take a look at the complete examples for more advanced use cases.

Quick start

To translate a RAML DataType to a JSON Schema, you can parse a RAML document, then select the data type using WebApi Model and call its .toJsonSchema() method (or property in JavaScript). The output of the method is a JSON Schema string representating the original RAML DataType.

// js
const wap = require('webapi-parser').WebApiParser

const ramlLibrary = `
  #%RAML 1.0 Library
      type: object
        title: string
        author: string

async function main () {
  const libModel = await wap.raml10.parse(ramlLibrary)
  // Type can be selected using the utility function `getDeclarationByName()`

  // Type can also be selected by index

// java
package co.acme.translate;

import webapi.Raml10;
import webapi.WebApiModule;
import amf.client.model.domain.*;

import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;

public class RamlToJsonSchema {
  public static void translateFromLibrary() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
    String inp ="#%RAML 1.0 Library\n" +
                "types:\n" +
                "  Book:\n" +
                "    type: object\n" +
                "    properties:\n" +
                "      title: string\n" +
                "      author: string\n";
    WebApiModule doc = (WebApiModule) Raml10.parse(inp).get();
    // Type can be selected using the utility function `getDeclarationByName()`
    AnyShape book = (AnyShape) doc.getDeclarationByName("Book").get();

    // Type can also be selected by index
    NodeShape book2 = (NodeShape) doc.declares().get(0);

Complete examples

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